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Green Scrapbook, Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Temple Beth-El, Bellmore, Scrapbooks

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6 photos, "Sisterhood learns about Jewish Education"

Invitation and brochures, Annual Paid-Up Membership Dinner, November 9, 1976

4 photos, "The Play Must Go On," "The Temple Succah was decorated by the members"

6 photos, "In December 1976 we tripped to the Jewish Museum," "Lunch was famous at 'The Famous'" (photo in lower left not in focus)

1 photo, "home again at Temple Beth-El," "a great time was had by all, see the faces!!!"

Black and white group photo, "Convention 1976"

"Challah Braiding Diagram," "Braiding 6 Strands, Good Luck! Linda Wasserstein"

Challah typed recipe, Linda Wasserstein, "Jan 19, 1977"

Black and white event photo

Black and white photo, children at center

Inside back cover

Outside back cover

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